PlayNotes.pkg for newton


PlayNotes.pkg is a extension to play melodies in the macintosh hypercard-music format.
You may ask, why should someone be so stupid to make such a program? The answer is: Its my first program for the newton and therefore it had to be simple. My goal is to write a program
for the ABC-Notation format witch is common in folk music. I made an ABC-Player for macintosh hypercard and added a function to convert the ABC-file format to hypercard-music format.
Now I have all my pieces of irish music in my newton.
The program adds a button to the notes application. You have to put Your melodies in the notes application. It works only with the format simple-note. It plays the melody in the topmost note
on the screen.
I think the rest explains itself.
The software is freeware. Surely it has bugs. Sometimes it freezes with long melodies. Its written on a 2100-Newton. It will not work on systems below 2.0. I don't know how it will work
on newton 2000 or 130.
I think the software is mostly harmless. But be carefull. I take no responsibility for anything.
There are a few pieces for example. Its no music, but it sounds similar. Import as text-only with NCU to notes.

have fun

Ewald Igelmann
Osnabrueck, Germany

Download: PlayNotes.sit

Archive of melodies (5500 pieces, 5MB on the newton) 1.2MB stuffed:

For import of the archives use NCU
choose Import (Importieren),
choose filetype limited text? I have a german version (begrenzter Text)
choose the file " Referenzdatei"
choose notes text only (Notizen Nur Text)
choose Advanced options, Miscellaneous (Erweiterte Optionen, Verschiedenes)
no columnheads field end with tap (tapsepariert ohne Spaltentitel)
there it goes.

I have done a little bit of sorting. But there is still much to do.
The pieces are not written by me. There is no possibility to name the author, I have to apologise. I see my program as a step to a real ABC-Player. Nevertheless, thanks to all people who write down pieces in ABC-format and give it to the public. They do the real work.

Definition of the musicformat taken from the hyperTalk-Reference stack:

The text string notes is an unlimited sequence of words in which each word represents one note. A note has the following NAOD format (Name, Accidental, Octave, and Duration):

Name one of these letters:
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, r
(where r = rest)
Accidental one of these characters:
#, b
Octave a positive integer
(4 is middle C)
Duration one of the letters:
w, h, q, e, s, t, x
w = whole note
h = half note
q = quarter note
e = eighth note
s = 16th note
t = 32nd note
x = 64th note

You don't have to specify the accidental, octave, or duration of a note. Initially, the accidental defaults to none. The octave and duration default to
the same values as the previous note,
or to 4 (octave) and q (duration) for the first note.

Specify the note r to get a rest.
For example:

re --eighth note rest

A duration followed by a period (.) means a dotted note. A duration followed by the number 3 means one note of a triplet.

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